Welcome to the Living Lab
Go Slow for a Mo' Nature Wellness Trail

Audio introduction of the trail.

Trail Summary​

  • Before you being complete the START of trail evaluation.
  • Find a comfortable place to sit or stand outside, you can change spots throughout the program but stay in your home space.
  • If you have no outside, position yourself at a window with a view of nature, or a pot plant, or imagery.
  • On your first go, do all six exercises in order (they are below the map), this will take between 15 and 30 minutes
  • On your next turn,  do at least three exercises each time, you can choose which ones.
  • Go slow at home 3 times a week for 2 weeks.
  • You can listen to the audio or read the text.
  • After each exercise rate with a smiley face and answer the questions.
  • Each time you finish your “go slow at home” session click the “more exercises” button, scroll DOWN and and complete the END of trail evaluation
  • Thanks, and hope you enjoy “going slow for a mo’ at home

START of Trail Evaluation

Living Lab_INS and PANAS_Master_Start Trail
INS: Please select the number of the picture which best describes your relationship with the natural environment in the last 24 HOURS. Please answer spontaneously with what comes to your mind first
PANAS: This scale consists of a number of words that describe different feelings and emotions. Read each item and then select the appropriate answer next to that word. Indicate to what extent you felt this way in the last 24 hours
Mars Creek

END of Trail Evaluation. Complete this survey after your sit.

Living Lab_INS and PANAS_Master_End Trail
INS: Please select the number of the picture which best describes your relationship with the natural environment NOW. Please answer spontaneously with what comes to your mind first
This scale consists of a number of words that describe different feelings and emotions. Read each item and then select the appropriate answer next to that word. Indicate to what extent you feel this way NOW
