Welcome to the Living Lab (Lakeside)
NatureFix Wellness Trail

End of Trail Evaluation

Living Lab (Att Restoration)_Master_Finish Trail


Please select the number of the picture which best describes your relationship with the natural environment NOW. Please answer spontaneously with what comes to your mind first

Digit Span Test

Complete the forward digit span test.  Click here

Select "forward" digit span and then "start"

Enter your score in the field below

Please answer the following questions in relation to the place you anticipate undertaking the activities most often

I am very attached to "this place" being the place you will undertake the activity
"This place" is very special to me
I identify strongly with "this place"
This is the best place for activities that I like to do
No other place can compare to "this place"
I would not substitute any other area for the activities I do at "this place"
Please respond to each of the following statements in terms of how you are feeling right now.


Select the outdoor activity you just did